The Young Orthopod Revision Quiz #1

The Young Orthopod Revision Quiz #1

We bring you our first Revision Quiz! All the question have been posted previously on the Facebook page @TheYoungOrthopod.
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  1. Which of the following is not a major criteria for the diagnosis of fat embolism?

  2. Axillary or sub-conjunctival petechiae
    Retinal Emboli
    CNS depression

  3. Which of the following is a low grade chondrosarcoma?

  4. Secondary chondrosarcoma
    Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma
    Clear cell chondrosarcoma
    Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma

  5. Filum terminale internum ends at which spinal level?

  6. L1

  7. Holdsworth classification of thoracolumbar spine fracture is based on how many columns of spine?

  8. Two

  9. Idiopathic scoliosis is most commonly?

  10. Dextroscoliosis of thoracic spine
    Levoscoliosis of thoracic spine
    Dextroscoliosis of lumbar spine
    Levoscoliosis of lumbar spine

  11. Tibial collateral ligament is formed by?

  12. Adductor magnus
    Adductor longus

  13. Agnes hunt traction is used for?

  14. Supracondylar fracture of humerus
    Fracture shaft of femur
    Correction of hip deformity
    Trochanteric traction

  15. Infection of ulnar bursa is diagnosed by?

  16. Kanavel’s sign
    Chvostek’s sign
    Gower’s sign

    Ludloff’s sign

  17. Which zone of the physis is predominantly affected by fibroblast growth factors?

  18. Resting

  19. Which of the following is considered to be the primary stabiliser of knee to external rotation?

  20. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
    Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)
    Lateral collateral ligament (LCL)
    Medial collateral ligament (MCL)

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